10 Steps for Creating A Memorable Digital Experience

10 Steps for Creating A Memorable Digital Experience
One of the major reasons why businesses these days create their website is to engage more consumers. And why not? What is the use of a website if it does not get to engage consumers for the business!
Websites serve as a powerful medium to connect with the audience and boost about a specific brand, its products and services etc. However, the impact you will be able to make with your website depends on how it is designed or stylized to be able to grab more user attention on web.
For a website to reach out to millions of online users and hold their attention, it is important that it has got an interactive design, one that not just holds but retains user attention. The website should have a appealing design power that not just grab attention but is compelling enough to convert visitors into loyal customers. The following are some of the effective ways to create an interactive experience with your website design that engages the target audience instantly.
Be Mindful of Audience Needs While Designing Your Website
The most important factors to consider while designing your website is to stay aware of who your audience is? who are you designing it for? who do you wanna reach/target to with your website? and similar other aspects. Getting answers to these questions before you start designing your website will help you get better results. Design according to what your audience wants and not according to a particular buyer’s persona.
Keep It Simple
Web users fall easily for the website that are provided with simple, executable design. Keeping the interface clean with an optimum use of white space helps engaging visitors with utmost ease. The same would invite them further to explore more on the website and not trying to wave off the clutter looking for a way out without even giving in desired attention.
Understandable / Easy Navigation
While thinking about refining user experience make sure that your design include large elements included in simple design that can be easy to understand and go through. Also, pay attention to navigation features on your website as it can be a major turn off not done right. Your website should be designed in a way that the visitors will not waste time finding navigation buttons.
Design for Multiple Devices
Today, the internet usage is not limited to PC’s and laptops, a large number of web users find it easier to connect to the web world using their smartphones and so it is important to make your website mobile responsive. It is difficult to utilize the design for PC equipped for mobile devices, so yo can first design for mobile and then adjust it with other platforms.
Test the Interaction of Your Website With People Outside
It is right to test your design side by side while designing, however do not test it on your criteria for perfection, instead seek the experience from outsiders. There are number of such services that can help you test your users experience based on actual consumers among general public.
They help you provide responses and comments during the interaction with the website while testing with consumers in order to get your required feedback for a perfectly interactive website.
Refine Your Content from Time to Time
The thing with content is that every consumer is different and so their preferred choice for content is also different. Some people respond to certain content while others don’t, hence it is important that you keep on shuffling the content on your website finding the right balance of images, animations and content through the means of tests.
Keep on refining, diversifying and testing your content with the audience to find the best variant with the highest engagement factor.
Have an Engaging Copy
Keeping the content copy compelling and interesting is the key towards engaging more users towards your website. Whether it is minimal copy or a long content copy make sure that it hooks users interest. Also, it should serve the purpose of improving your conversion rate.
You’d be hard-pressed to develop an engaging user experience that didn’t utilize copy in some way. Whether you use minimal copy or long-form content, you need to make sure it’s compelling and hooks the user to stay engaged.
Seek Audience Contribution
Consumers like it when they are given an option to make contribution for the website content in terms of reviews and comments or just interact with other consumers sharing their experiences in your space.
Integrating social spot for audience offers a great helps when it comes to engage perspective consumers towards your website.
User Feedback
Users feedback is important as it can help you stay updated with the current trends and popular design concepts. Sometimes what is in trend is not likeable for your customers and so takes direct feedback from the customer while they are there on the website can help you design your website in a more engaging manner. Consider providing a feedback form on your website for the required user suggestions or their experience on the website and utilize the insights to further improve your site’s interface.
Offer Customized Experience
Nothing can excite consumer more than the fact that they were being asked for their personal suggestions to improve the overall users experience of the website. Seeking suggestions in any form be it for visual experience on the website or anything related to its products,customization in any form offers users a personalized experience which will motivate them to visit your website again and again.
Bottom Line
Every website is designed with the purpose of engaging more consumers, which is why it deserves the best. Designing a website using above tips and tricks is a way towards attracting more users attention.