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App and Software Development Company

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Radclyffe House, 66/68 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B16 8PF

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0121 582 4405

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For Startups

Are you looking for design / development / marketing partner to transform your startup idea into successfully functioning business setup?

We are here to help motivating startups to convert them into winning corporate establishments through providing professional consultation and technological support!

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Our Services

We will assist you in developing your business strategy through putting our technological expertise and efficient startup possesses at work.

Startup Consultation


Looking for a business partner in your startup’s long journey of success? We will stand by you, tapping our expertise to unlock your business potential and meet the goals.

We will provide a dedicated team of web developers, project managers, designers and business analysts who will provide an access of knowledge and expertise in your project and make it reach the ultimate success.
Our business solutions spans from the initial setup phase of business analysis to the final developmental stage along with the ongoing business support.

Technology Consulting

You will be working with the skilled CTO who will translate your business values into technological requirements and ensures success with every project. We will help you apply automation in your projects through recommending the best technology it needs with the view to bring in success with your startup.
We will assist you in choosing the right technological framework for your projects, considering the project requires it or not, or the chosen framework is worth integrating with, along with finding you the right database to sustain the project. We will brainstorm for you on all these matters intensely and a lot more to help you make the right technical decisions for your project.

Technology Consulting
Project Development

Project Development

If you have already sorted out the technological requirements we can also help you in further refining and progression of your startup. We can help you through co-creating the product or share our ideas to help your project turn out to be the best output you will ever have. We believe in collaborating and conceptualizing the client’s project lending success to their startups.

What we do?

We believe in providing our support as a professional business partner to startups. We execute our services in three simple steps –


In the first step, we access the feasibility of your startup idea and create a concrete proof of the concept.


In the next step, we create a reliable business plan that involves business analysis, identification of processes and technological requirements to get the deeper understanding of the end product.


Last but not the least, we collaborate with entrepreneurs looking to expand their in-house capabilities and meet their business objects without hiring or training new staff.


Our Work Process With Startups / How we work?

Based on the project you are working on and the kind of skills it require we offer our dedicated
team to assist you with the same. We believe having a committed team for a project is an
effective way to work and deliver successful results. Our main aim with it is to collaborate and
co create something that will help you establish yourself from being just a startup. We propose
commitment on a project with a dedicated team as working on a single project would benefit in
terms of understanding what to build, collaborating technology in a better way and even
establishing a vision for its functionality.

Our Approach

While working for a client’s project our main goal is to provide our services in the desired
format, delivered on time and in prescribed budget. Take a look at the process we follow for our
client’s project –
We start off with working on project roadmap that works as a strategic guiding document for us
to execute the working plan for project. Here we determine the technological solutions it
requires to meet client’s business goals.

In the next step, we focus on understanding the resources required by the project. Here, we also
determine the preliminary schedule and budget for the project.
We believe in staying updated on every day progression that is being made on the project through
constant communication, meet ups and demos in order to avoid any mitigating risks beforehand and
ensuring a healthy development process for the project.

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